Emergency Plan
Emergency Plan

This Council has an Emergency Plan for internal use to assist in responding to any major disaster within the parish, such as flood or epidemic.

The Emergency Services and Wiltshire Council are the likely lead agencies for any such emergencies.

If you are in immediate danger call 999.

Wiltshire Council’s Emergency Planning contacts are:


Tel: 01225 713159

24 hr telephone contact: 07624 310636

Wiltshire Council also provides a general list of emergency contacts


Within the parish, the website will be kept updated as far as possible with information relating to any specific

ongoing emergency. https://www.stpaulmalmesburywithoutparishcouncil.org.uk/

Local Cllrs for the affected area(s) within the parish will link into established local social media groups

for coordination and information sharing.

Flooding Updates

Register with the Environment Agency Floodline Warnings Direct service on 0345 988 1188 or https://www.gov.uk/sign-up-for-flood-warnings. After registering you will receive telephone calls or texts or emails of flood warnings.

For river information even if you have not registered call 0345 988 1188 and wait for the QuickDial prompt then enter option 1. Then enter Upper Bristol Avon area Quick Dial code 210013, or the Sherston Avon Quick Dial code 164161 or the Tetbury Avon Quick Dial code 164162.